Feb. 2025:
Surajit Sarker and Poonam Rani from Prof. P. Thilagar's Lab have received
the Best Poster Award at the ProUPS-25 International Conference held at
SRM University Chennai, between 3-5th Feb 2025. Additionally, Surajit
have been granted a special free waiver to publish in Nature Scientific
Reports Journal.

Dec. 2024:
Mr. Tabish Iqbal from Dr. Debasis Das' group
has been selected for the Stanford Science Fellowship by Stanford
University, USA. Tabish would be the first Indian PhD student to receive
this very prestigious fellowship, which would allow him to work nearly
independently across disciplines at Stanford. Congratulations Tabish.

Dec. 2024:
Mr. Rahul Mondal from KGR's Group
has won a best poster award from Dalton Transactions (Royal Society
of Chemistry) at the International Conference on Modern Trends in
Inorganic Chemistry 2024 held at IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India,
from 14-17 December 2024. Congratulations, Rahul.

Dec. 2024:
Mr. Soham Ray Chowdhury from Dr. Ranjan's Group
has won the best student talk award at the International Conference on
Carbon Capture and Utilization -24, at JNCASR, Bengaluru. Soham got this award
for his theoretical investigations on Ceria electrodes for CO2 reduction.
Congratulations Soham!

Dec. 2024:
Mr. Vipin Kamboj from CR Group has won the best paper award for his work
on CO2 conversion to fuels at the International Conference on
Carbon Capture and Utilization -24, at JNCASR, Bengaluru.
The selection process went through several rounds of presentations and
selections. The award carries a cash prize of 50000 INR and a citation.
Congratulations Vipin!

Sept. 2024:
Dr. Debasis Das has received the Graeme Hanson AsBIC Early
Career Researcher Award 2024. This award recognises early-career researchers in the Asia
Pacific region who have demonstrated sustained research excellence in the field of biological
inorganic chemistry. Congratulations.

Sept. 2024:
Dr. Debasis Das was conferred IISc Award for Excellence in Teaching 2024 for
his contributions to promoting a deeper and more engaging learning experience for the students.
Congratulations, Dr. Debasis.

Aug. 2024:
Mr. Nishant Dhiman from Prof. Umapathy's group has won the best poster award
at the XXVIII International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS) held in Rome between
July 28 – August 2, 2024. Congratulations, Nishant.

Aug. 2024:
The work done by by Dr. Susanta Hazra and team on sustainable surfactant derived from agricultural waste,
an alternative to the toxic organic solvents in chemical processes, has been featured in
Times of India.

Aug. 2024:
A subgroup consisting Tabish, Subhashini, and Jayaprakash of Dr. Debasis' team has won
the 2024 National Bio Entrepreneurship Competition (NBEC), a nationwide competition held every year.
Well done, Team.

Aug. 2024:
Mr. Muhammed Munthasir of Prof. Thilagar's group has won the best poster award
at the Phosphor Safari 2024, part of the 13th International Symposium
for Luminescence materials, held at the National Taipei University of Technology,
Taiwan between July 30 and Aug 2, 2024. Congratulations.

Aug. 2024:
Prof. Sampath has become the Chairperson of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc, from August 2024.

Jul. 2024:
Mr. Sufal Paul from Prof. Geetharani's group has received the Springer Book Prize at
the 30th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC-2024)
held in Agra, between July 14-18, 2024. Congratulations, Sufal.

Jul. 2024:
Felicitation: A special talk was delivered by Prof. S. Umapathy, titled The Last Lecture: Research progress to personal experiences on 23rd July 2024. It was followed by the felicitation function of Prof. S. Umapathy and Mr. V.B. Nanjappa. This event can be viewed on the YouTube link.

Jun. 2024:
Mr. Subhajit Ghosh from Prof. Thilagar's group is in receipt of
RSC Best Poster award from the recently concluded conference on
Fundamental and Advanced Research in Chemistry (FARC 2024),
organised by IIT Mandi on June 6-8, 2024. Congratulations, Subhajit.

Jun. 2024:
Prof. Partha Sarathi Mukherjee has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Aggregate-a journal, published by the Wiley. Congratulations, Prof. PSM.

Jun. 2024:
Prof. Mugesh's group has installed a multi-mode plate reader (6-384 well plates) in their laboratory, with funding support from Indegene through Ignite Life Science Foundation. The system has absorption, fluorescence and chemiluminescence capabilities. It also allows spectral scanning for the identification of optimal measurement wavelength. We thank both the organisations for the donation to Prof. Mugesh's group.
Mar. 2024:
Subha Biswas and Harsh Baliyan from Dr. Anoop's Group attended the conference on Emerging Trends in Photodynamics and Photochemistry (ETPP 2024) organised by IISER Mohali on 26-28th March 2024. They received a Best Poster Award from RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) and ACS (American Chemical Society). Congratulations, Subha and Harsh.

Mar. 2024:
Grandson of Prof. J.C. Ghosh, former Chair of IPC and Director (1939-48) of IISc, Dipankar Ghosh, was a housemate
of Prof. Arunan during 1986-87 in Manhattan, Kansas, USA. An interview with Dipankar Ghosh is available with
March 2024 Connect
issue (page 18, He wanted to leave something behind that lasted forever).

Mar. 2024:
Dr. David Wu, Director of Institute of Chemistry and Dr. Ching-Ming Wei, Director of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan visited the Indian Institute of Science on 1st March 2024. Prof. Arunan organised an interaction with faculty from IPC.

Mar. 2024:
Prof. K.C. Patil, retired from our Department in 1997, has
donated rupees five lakhs to support summer research fellowship for one student.

Feb. 2024:
Mr. Vipin Kamboj from Dr. Chinmoy Ranjan’s Group received a Best Poster Award at the Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics held at Chennai, from 18th-22th Feb. 2024. Congratulations, Vipin.

Jan. 2024:
Prof. P. S. Mukherjee has been awarded the J. C. Bose National Fellowship by SERB in December 2023. Congratulations, Partha!

Jan. 2024:
IPC introduces IPC Scholars Fund, which has been started with a generous donation by
Prof. S. Ramakrishnan and his students,
augmented by Prof. E.D. Jemmis.
More details available here.

Dec. 2023:
Dr. Debasis Das has been selected as a member of
Global Investigator Network, an inititative
that encourages excellent early-stage group leaders
across the world. The featured news is available
here. Congratulations, Dr. Das.

Dec. 2023:
Connect December 2023 issue discusses (from 1908 to 2023) IPC department, which is as old as the Institute.

Nov. 2023:
A Conversation with Prof. Srabanti Chaudhury is made available here, who is currently with IISER-Pune, also an alumnus of IPC department.

Oct. 2023:
Mr. S. Selvakumar from Prof. Jagirdar's group has won an
essay competition - Young Voices in the Chemical Sciences for Sustainability for the South Asia Region.
The global essay competition was organised by the International Organization of Chemical
Sciences in Development (IOCD) and the published issue on RSC Sustainability can be found

Jul. 2023:
Mr. Deepak Kumar of Prof. Arunan's
group has got the Best Poster Presentation Award
in the 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34) that took place in Daegu, Korea during 16-21 July 2023.
Congratulations, Deepak.

Jul. 2023:
Ms. E. Jusaina from Prof. P. Thilagar's Group
received the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 17th International Meeting on
Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON 17) held at Rennes, France, on July 9-13, 2023. Congratulations, Jusaina.

Jul. 2023:
Mr. Debasish Giri from Prof. G. Mugesh's Group
has received the Best Poster Award in the 31st CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry held at NIT Rourkela during July 6-8, 2023. Congratulations, Debasish.

Jul. 2023:
Prof. Srihari Keshavamurthy
has joined IPC as a Visiting Professor from 1st July 2023 for a year.
Welcome, Prof. Srihari.

Welcome, Prof. Srihari.
May 2023:
Prof. Arunan has become a member of the task group formed by
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to redefine proton affinity.
Chair of the committee is an alumnus of IPC, Dr. Emmanuel Etim. More information is available
Congratulations, Prof. Arunan.

May 2023:
Solving a 30 year-old chemistry problem led to an international collaboration!
The University of Newcastle's international collaboration with the Indian Institute
of Science is featured here.

Apr. 2023:
Dr. R. Shwetharani and Ms. Dimple Rani from Prof. S. Sampath's Group
have been individually awarded the certificate of merit for the best paper
at the International Conference on Women in Electrochemistry
(ICWEC-2023), organised by The Electrochemical Society of India,
held at IISc, Bengaluru during April 7-8, 2023. Congratulations, Shwetharani and Dimple.

Mar. 2023:
IPC Day was celebrated on 25th March 2023. This is the first IPC Day held
at the recently built Chemical Sciences Building, after the department started
its function from the new premises. Group photo is available here.

Feb. 2023:
Mr. Subha Biswas from Dr. Anoop's Group was awarded the best oral presentation prize in the Chemsci - 2023: Leaders in the Field Symposium, organised by the journal Chemical Science and JNCASR in Bangalore during 23rd-25th January 2023. Congratulations, Subha.

Feb. 2023:
Ms. Ekta Chauhan from Prof. G. Mugesh's Group,
Mr. Tabish Iqbal from Dr. Debasis Das' Group and Mr. V.A. Rinshad from
Prof. P.S. Mukherjee's Group have received individual ACS Best Poster Award at the 30th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-NSC-30) held at JNU, India during February 2-5, 2023. Well done Ekta, Tabish and Rinshad.

Dec. 2022:
Prof. S. Umapathy's research work
on quicker identification of bacterial pathogens using a combination of
Raman spectroscopy and artificial intelligence method has appeared as
a news item in the Deccan Herald (28/12/2022) under Top Karnataka Stories.

Dec. 2022:
Mr. Bapuji Mohapatra from Dr. Chinmoy Ranjan’s Group received a best poster award at the Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources 11 (ACEPS’11) held at National University of Singapore, Singapore from 11th-14th Dec. 2022. Congratulations, Bapuji.

Dec. 2022:
Ms. E. Jusaina from Prof. P. Thilagar's Group received
one of the best ACS oral presentation awards in the International Conference
on Aggregation-Induced Emissions: Fundamentals to Applications (IC-AIE-FA 2022)
held at BITS Pilani Campus, Goa on December 16-18, 2022. Congratulations, Jusaina.

Dec. 2022:
Ms. Suma Dilipkumar from Prof. M. Nethaji's Group
has won the best poster award in the 7th Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic
Association held on December 8-9, 2022 at Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka. Congratulations, Suma.

Dec. 2022:
Prof. E. Arunan has established a strong
collaboration with the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IISc and the
University of Rennes, France. This has been supported by the Indo-French
Centre for Promotion of Advanced Scientific Research (CEFIPRA in French).
CEFIPRA has released a Youtube video
about the project recently.
Congratulations, Prof. Arunan.

Nov. 2022:
Prof. P.S. Mukherjee
has been elected as a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).
Congratulations, Prof. Mukherjee.

Nov. 2022:
Mr. Shubham Sahu from Prof. G. Mugesh's Group has won a best poster award at the International Conference on Drug Discovery (ICDD-2022) that took place in BITS Pilani KK Birla Campus, Goa on Nov. 10 & 11, 2022. Congratulations, Shubham.

Nov. 2022:
Family of Prof. Gopal Jere, former Professor at IIT-Delhi,
donated Rs. 5 Lakhs to support summer research fellowship at IPC.
Prof. Jere did his Ph.D. during 1956-62 in IPC.

Nov. 2022:
Mr. Sekhar Biswal from Dr. Chinmoy Ranjan’s Group has won a best poster award at CACEE-2022 that took place in TIFR, Mumbai between Oct. 31 and Nov. 4, 2022.

Nov. 2022:
Mr. Sekhar Biswal from Dr. Chinmoy Ranjan’s Group has won the RSC Best Poster Prize at the 7th Ertl Symposium held in Gwangju, South Korea during October 25-28, 2022. Congratulations, Sekhar.

Oct. 2022:
Mr. Mrinal Arandhara from Prof.
Sai Ramesh's group has won the JPCA Best Poster Prize
at the Current Trend in Theoretical Chemistry
Conference held at BARC, Mumbai recently (September 22-24, 2022).
Congratulations, Mrinal.
Aug. 2022:
The Department has started its function from the new premises
at the Chemical Sciences Building, which is nestled among
Physical and Biological Science Divisions.

July 2022:
Prof. Jemmis' Advance Article, published in Chemical Science,
has been selected as Today's Pick in Chemical Science and also featured as
Pick of the Week. Congratulations, Prof. Jemmis.

July 2022:
Ms. U. Aarti Upadhyay from ARC's Group has won best
poster award in the 16th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference
(EuroBIC) held in Grenoble,
France during July 17-21, 2022.

May 2022:
Dr. Susanta Hazra joined IPC as an Assistant Professor on 27th May 2022.
Welcome, Susanta.

Welcome, Susanta.
Mar 2022:
Ms. Keerthika K. from Prof. K. Geetharani's lab has received
the ACS Best Poster Prize at the 28th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry
held on March 25-27, 2022 at IIT Guwahati. Congratulations, Keerthika!

Feb 2022:
Prof. P.S. Mukherjee has been listed as one of the
top 75 scientists
under 50, shaping Science in India.
[ Book launch function video link]

[ Book launch function video link]

Dec 2021:
Ms. Ankita Das from Prof. U. Harbola's
group and Mr. Mrinal Arandhara from Prof.
Sai Ramesh's group have been awarded a Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics (PCCP) Poster Prize each at Theoretical Chemistry
Symposium (TCS 2021) held at IISER Kolkata, during Dec. 11-14, 2021. Congratulations, Ankita and Mrinal.

Jan 2021:
Prof. E. D. Jemmis is the recipient of the INSA Golden Jubilee Commemoration Medal for Chemical Sciences 2019.


Oct 2020:
IPC Faculty members Prof. Kaushal Kishore, Prof. K. C. Patil, Prof. N. Munichandraiah, Prof. G. Mugesh, Prof. E. D. Jemmis, Prof. E. Arunan, Prof. P. S. Mukherjee and Prof. S. Sampath have been listed in the top 2% of World Scientists in their field as evaluated by their c-score. The method to obtain this metric has been outlined in a recent publication. Congratulations to all!


Congratulations, Sampath!

Sep 2019:
Dr. Namrata Singh from the Mugesh's group has been awarded the IIT Bombay Metrohm Young Chemist Award 2019 for Innovation in Research. The award was given for her research on uncovering the role of an antioxidant nanozyme that provides cytoprotection in Parkinson’s Disease model. Congratulations, Namrata!

Jan 2019:
A new edition of Elixir, IPC's own magazine, is out! Click on the cover to get the pdf. Click here to access the previous editions.