S. Sampath

Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore- 560 012
Tel: + 91 80 22933315 (office)
Fax: + 91 80 23600085
+ 91 80 23601552
Surfaces, Interfaces and Materials Electrochemistry
The main focus of our research is to understand interfacial properties involving novel materials and modified surfaces. We use a combination of spectroscopy, electrochemistry and microscopy to understand the interfacial properties. Coupled in-situ techniques based on electrochemical FTIR, Raman electrochemistry are routinely used to understand various aspects.
Recent Representative Publications
Ion storage performance of a polymer for mono-, di- and tri-valent metal ions in non-aqueous electrolytes
Debashis Tripathy, H. M. Viswanatha, M. N. K. Harish and S Sampath Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 7821-7824 (Link) -
Off-Planar, Two-Dimensional Polymer Cathode for High-Rate, Durable Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries
Debashis Tripathy, H. M. Viswanatha, M. N. K. Harish and S Sampath ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 26671-26681 (Link) -
High Performance, Stoichiometric ZnSnP2 Anode for Rechargeable Li-ion Battery with Concomitant Conversion from Chalcopyrite to Sphalerite Phase
Shubham Patel and S Sampath Batteries & Supercapacitors 2022, e202200132 (Link) -
Electrochemical Soft Actuator: Deciphering the Difference in the Characteristics of Polaronic and Bipolaronic Forms of Polyaniline
Dimple Rani, A. Vijaya Kumara and S Sampath Langmuir 2022, (Link) -
Conductometric NOx Sensor Based on Exfoliated Two-Dimensional Layered MnPSe3
Rajat Kumar, Ramesh Naidu Jenjeti, Venkata Surya Kumar Choutipalli, Venkatesan Subramanian, S Sampath Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2021, ,130633 (Link) -
Pyrite-type cobalt phosphosulphide bifunctional catalyst for aqueous and gel-based rechargeable zinc-air batteries
Bratati Roy, K.J. Shebin and S. Sampath J. Power Sources 2020, 450,227661 (Link) -
Bulk and few-layer MnPS3: a new candidate for field effect transistors and UV photodetectors
Rajat Kumar, Ramesh Naidu Jenjeti, Muthu P. Austeria and S. Sampath J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7,324-329 (Link) -
Ultrahigh-Rate Supercapacitors Based on 2-Dimensional, 1T MoS2xSe2(1-x) for AC Line-Filtering Applications
A. Sellam, Ramesh Naidu Jenjeti, and S. Sampath J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122(25),14186-14191 (Link)
Recently granted US patents
1) Low cost electrochemical disposable sensor for measuring glycated hemoglobin. US patent 8,702,931
2) Composition of electrode material in the form of a coating and a process thereof. US patent 8,343,572
3) Formation of metallic patterns on a semiconductor wafer substrate. Eur. patent 1954109 (A1)