Research Facilities

The department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry is equipped to carry out state-of-the-art research in a wide variety of fields. The facilities are constantly upgraded to keep up with modern developments.

Each research group maintains essential instrumental facilities needed for its routine experiments, such as metal vapour synthesiser, vibrating sample magnetometer, differential scanning calorimeter, dry-boxes, high pressure reactors, Nd-YAG and dye lasers, nanosecond fluorimeter, CCD detectors, Spex double monochromator and electrochemical systems. A home built FT microwave spectrometer, is the only one of its kind in India.

In addition, the department maintains UV-Vis, steady state fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence, FT-IR, FT-Raman spectrometers and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer, CHN elemental analyser and atomic force microscope (AFM) are also available. Other instruments in the department are surface area and pore structure analysers, simultaneous DTA-TGA and DTG analyser and a single crystal and powder X-ray diffractometers.

An ESI-Mass Spectrometry Facility has been set up as a part of the Institute initiative to augument the spectroscopic facilities. For submission of samples for the mass spectrometry, please download the form and submit it along with the samples. A multi-mode plate reader has been installed in Prof. Mugesh's lab for common usage, with support from Indegene through Ignite Life Science Foundation. In addition to the above, several facilities of the Institute are available for use by the Department:

        • Spectroscopy and Analytical Test Facility
        • Institute X-Ray Facility
        • CCD based Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometers
        • Computational Cluster
        • Electron Microscopes
        • A full fledged Cryogenics Facility
        • SQUID Magnetometer