New Email Accounts and Email Account Closure

All IIScians are generally expected to have and use an email account with the suffix. These accounts are actually created and closed by DIGITS, IISc. The info below is meant for members of the IPC Department only.

Creation of new IISc email accounts:
  • For new PhD and Int PhD students, email accounts are automatically created by DIGITS, IISc, a few days after they actually join the department.

    The students should check their personal email addresses for the login link. (The mail may be in spam folder.) If you do not see such an email, please get in touch with the dept sys admin.
  • For new project assistants, post-docs, and research associates, accounts are not created automatically. Please contact your project supervisors. You will need to share your joining report and contract details, specifically the duration, with DIGITS.

    It may take a few days before your account is created by DIGITS. Please be patient.

Closure of IISc email accounts:

All students, project assistants, research associates, and post-docs leaving the department are required to inform DIGITS that they are leaving the dept.

For students graduating with a degree, the email account in migrated to the domain; these steps are taken up by DIGITS a part of the closure protocols following the completion of your thesis defense / degree requirements.

For all other IPCians (project assistants, research associates/post-docs, anyone on a contract employment), should notify DIGITS directly with an email to