Giving Back to the Society
The 'feel-good' factor of giving back to the society, small or big, always
produce positive vibrations around all the people invloved. A single largest
private donation received by IISc helped in opening a totally new avenue for the
Institute. There are other numerous donations of varying degrees do make people
belonging to the society.
Persons associated with IPC show their generosity on various
occasions, which makes the department stride into a stronger future. Your donation
will definetly enrich the academic experience of students and faculty members of the
department. Funds are welcome for specific purpose or for general utilisation.
It may be for the support of a single summer intern for a month or sponsoring an event or
setting up a lab - there are always myriad ways. Please write to the Chairperson of IPC at with your intention, big or small.
Following is the list of the philanthropists who contributed recently:

2022 - Summer Research Fellowship - Family of Prof. Gopal Jere
2024 - ODAA IPC Scholars Fund - Prof. S. Ramakrishnan and Prof. E.D. Jemmis
2024 - Summer Research Fellowship - Prof. K.C. Patil