Molecular Electronics, Spintronics, Scanning Probe Techniques, Single-Entity Electrochemistry
In our group, the big fundamental research question that we are trying address is the "Understanding the charge transport at the metal/molecule interface and establishing the structure-property relationships" under the influence of external stimuli at the single molecule level or at the ensemble level. To achieve this goal, we are developing the instrumentation as well as experimental methodologies. The structure-property correlations at the metal/molecule interface will have applications in different research fields like Molecular Electronics and Molecular Spintronics, Sensors (Chemical and Bio) and Energy Research (Conversion and Storage).
Representative Publications
Atesci, H.;# Kaliginedi, V.;#* Celis Gil, J. A.; Ozawa, A.; Thijssen, J.; Broekmann, P.; Haga, M.; van der molen, S.J.*Nature Nanotechnology 13, 117-121 (2018).DOI: 10.1038/s41565-017-0016-8
# Equal contribution with first author. * Corresponding author † Featured in several science news web pages:,,,, etc -
Stable anchoring chemistry for room temperature charge transport through graphite-molecule contacts†Rudnev, A. V.;# Kaliginedi, V.;#* Droghetti, A.; Ozawa, A.; Kuzume, A.; Haga, M.; Broekmann, P.; Rungger, I.*Science Advances 3, e1602297 (2017).DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602297
# Equal contribution with first author. * Corresponding author † Featured in several science news web pages:,, etc -
Seth, C.;# Kaliginedi, V.;#* Suravarapu, S.; Reber, D.; Hong, W.; Wandlowski, Th.; Lafoet, F.; Broekmann, P.; Royal, G.;* Venkatramani, R.*Chemical Science. 8, 1576 (2017).DOI: 10.1039/C6SC03204D
# Equal contribution with first author and * Corresponding author -
Ozawa, H.;# Baghernejad, M.;# Al-Owaedi, OA.; #* Kaliginedi, V.;#* Nagashima, T.; Ferrer, J.; Wandlowski, Th.; García-Suárez, V. M.; Broekmann, P.; Lambert, C. J.; Haga, M.*Chem. Eur. J. 22, 12732 (2016).DOI: 10.1002/chem.201600616
# Equal contribution with first author and * Corresponding author -
Kaliginedi, V.;* Ozawa, H.; Kuzume, A.;* Sivarajakumar, M.; Pobelov, I.; Kwon, N-H.; Mohos, M.; Broekmann, P.; Fromm, K, M.;* Haga, M.; * Wandlowski, Th.Nanoscale 7, 17685 (2015).DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04087F
*Corresponding author. This paper is highlighted as “back cover page of the journal” -
Roldan, D#.; Kaliginedi V.#; Cobo, S.; Kolivoska, V.; Bucher, C.; Hong, W.J.; Royal, G.; Wandlowski, Th.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 5974 (2013).DOI: 10.1021/ja401484j
# Equal contribution with first author. † This paper is highlighted in JACS spotlight. -
Kaliginedi, V., P. Moreno-Garcia, Valkenier H., Hong W.J., García-Suárez V.M., Buiter, P., Otten, JLH., Hummelen, JC., Lambert, C.J., Wandlowski, Th.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 5262 (2012).DOI: 10.1021/ja211555x