Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 22:25:53 +0530 (IST)

From: E. Arunan <>

To: Task Group

Subject: H bond


Dear Colleagues,

I have updated the webpage with all the recent emails

and also some comments from experts outside the task

group. For your information the following webpage has

all the details.

This email is slightly longish.

I would like to know if we have a consensus on some

of the following statements. Kindly send your views

sometime this week:


1) There is no unique physical force that can be

   described as 'hydrogen bonding'

2) Electron deficient hydrogen: I should have pointed

   out Dannenberg's objection to these words in my

   earlier email. Would 'electropositive' or 'a hydrogen

   atom that carries a partial postive charge' be

   acceptable to all members, especially Scheiner and

   Dannenberg. Do all hydrogen bonds involve some X-H

   groups that has a dipole moment with H being the

   positive end?

3) Rosenberg points out that enhancement of IR intensity

   is a defining characterestic of H bond. There are

   some blue-shifting H bonds that show reduction

   in X-H intensity.

4) In the F-(H2) (fluoride ion complexed with H2), the

   structure is linear. Though H2 has no dipole or electro-

   positive Hydrogen atom, I think in the F(-)H-H complex

   the H bonded to F will acquire a partial positive

   charge. Would this qualify as a H bonded complex?

5) Should we propose London molecules as a new terminology

   for molecules that are primarily bound by dispersive

   forces? There could be 'H bonded complexes' that may

   come under this list and I don't see that as a problem.

6) Can van der Waals forces be used to describe all

   intermolecular (non bonded intra-molecular) interactions?

   Scheiner and I had some interesting exchange on this



I welcome your comments.

with best regards,
