From Arunan <>


date, Mar 9, 2010 at 8:26 AM

subject and women's representation bill



Dear Sir/Madam,


I read the front page story on Oscar awards by Narayan Lakshman with interest as the top two contenders for the best film/director awards happened to be ex-husband-wife pair of James Cameroon and Kathryn Bigelow.  For the first time in the history of Oscar, a lady has won the best director award.  Interestingly, the news comes when our parliament is struggling to pass the Women’s representation bill.  More interestingly, this story written by Narayan Lakshman highlights the importance of what the Yadav political leaders are fighting for.  I consider the Hindu to be one of the most liberal newspapers when it comes to fighting for equal opportunities for women and the under-privileged section of the society.  Even in this newspaper, the Oscar winner is misquoted.  Bigelow dedicated the award to the women and men in the uniform world over.  Lakshman quotes her as dedicating it to the men and women in the uniform world over.  What is the difference, an insensitive man may ask. We are a country and society far from achieving equality for men and women and also for Indians cutting across caste, region, religion, language etc…  Yadavs are probably rightly worried that the 33 % reservation for women may in fact go to the forward caste women.  Irrespective of the caste, income, education our men are still insensitive and women are kind.  Yadavs  are probably worried that the women, irrespective of their background, may be manipulated by men in our society.  I hope as a country and society we can allay their fears.

E. Arunan
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Department
Indian Institute of Science
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