IUPAC TASK GROUP 2004-026-2-100
This website compiles all the minutes/reports/email correspondences within the task group and it is intended as a ready-reference to all task group members. The file-names are mostly self-evident.
The task group submitted a recommendation for the Definition of Hydrogen Bond and a Technical Report.The report provides a summary of what has been learned about hydrogen bond over the past century and provides a rationale for the proposed definition. Both the report and recommendation have been accepted on 8th October 2010 for publication in the IUPAC Journal Pure and Applied Chemistry. The recommendation will also be put as 'provisional recommendation' in the IUPAC website for comments from anyone interested. Two meetings were organized, the first one in Pisa during September 2005 and the second one in Bangalore in September 2006. The details of all the correspondence within the task group and with other experts and the reports submitted at various times during the project are given below: All the talks given in the two meetings are linked below as well.